Moms Can't Do it All

Have you ever had one of those moments when you said to yourself: “I can’t do it all.”

I have had many of those moments since becoming a mama. I still have them from time to time.


Before I developed a self-care practice, those “I can’t do it all” moments often came when I felt overwhelmed by all of the competing demands of home, work, and kids.

I would deal with it my overwhelm by things that made me feel better in the moment, like overeating or having a few drinks.

I wasn’t actually getting to the source of the issue, but I didn’t care.

In those moments, I felt helpless, exhausted and out of control over my life.

The truth is, you can’t do it all. You weren’t meant to. None of us were.

Society has set up expectations for women to do it all, which can lead to competitiveness with other women, a deep feeling of never being enough and burning out.

Things drastically shifted for me once I started letting go of the notion that I needed to do it all.

I began saying “no”, asking for help from others, and managing mama guilt when it would arise in my body + mind.

We all want to enjoy our lives. We want to feel connected to our children. We want to feel fulfilled in our work.

We need to accept the notion that we can’t do it all. And this is totally okay.

Letting go of the idea that you need to “do it all” is the first step towards living your life FULLY.


If you are feeling overwhelmed by life, here is a strategy to help you let go of the the notion you need to ‘do it all.’

  1. Write out a list of all the tasks, activities and responsibilities on your plate.

  2. Cross out any tasks that you can start saying “no” to… things that you maybe said “yes” to out of obligation or guilt.

  3. Next, look for items you can ask for help with. Write “ASK” next to these and make it a priority to ask for help - from your spouse, family member, a babysitter, a neighbor, a friend.

Many feelings may arise as you begin this process and letting go is not an easy process. Asking for help can be hard. 

But this process is so essential as you strive to lead a more fulfilling life.


Moving through the feelings of not doing it all can lead you to a better place.

If you allow it.

With love,


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Jessica Larson