Creating Your Ideal Bedtime Routine

So often when we hear the phrase “bedtime routine,” we think about our children’s routine.

 Bedtime routines can be really helpful for parents as well. It is a time to unwind, relax and prepare for a restful sleep.

 Do you have a bedtime routine for yourself?

You likely have some tasks you do before bed, like brushing your teeth or washing your face.  This is a part of your current bedtime routine.

Now, take it to the next level. Add these tasks to an overall bedtime routine that has the intention of relaxing you and preparing you for sleep.

Many of us are stuck in some unhelpful habits that tend not to relax us at night, such as scrolling through Facebook or Instagram right before bed.

It takes a plan and a commitment to that plan in order to make real changes to your bedtime routine.


So, why change your bedtime routine?

First, a strong bedtime routine can be an excellent form of self-care. When the intention of your routine is to relax and wind down from the day, the routine can be replenishing and grounding.

Second, committing to a strong bedtime routine can lead to better sleep all around, which will impact your overall health and well-being.


Create your own bedtime routine (see suggestions below) and try it out consistently for a week.  Write down the plan and keep it somewhere you can see the routine and be reminded every day.

Try to stay as committed to the routine as possible, even though it is highly likely you will have other activities at night that may impact your bedtime routine.

For this, I suggest you separate your bedtime routine into two parts: 1) a routine you stick to every night and 2) other activities you’d like to be included in your nighttime regularly, but not every night.

Set an alarm on your phone to help remind you to start your bedtime routine. Or you may set up cues to help remind you to take action, such as:

  • after you put the baby to bed (cue), you run a bath for yourself (action)

  • after the kitchen is cleaned up from dinner (cue), you start a cup of tea (action). 

Here are some suggestions for you to design your bedtime routine.

 At least 1-2 hours before bed:

·      Drink warm non-caffeinated tea

·      Avoid caffeine and alcohol

·      Take a walk or gently exercise


 Within the hour before bed:

  • Dim the lights in your bedroom

  • Write in a journal

  • Diffuse or inhale essential oils (good ones to relax include Lavender, Bergamot or Serenity blend)·     

  • Read a relaxing book (maybe not a thriller, unless this relaxes you)

  • Turn off electronics

  • Take a warm bath or shower

  • Meditate and/or pray

  • Gentle stretching/yoga

  • Put on comfortable pjs, robe, or slippers

  • Gratitude journal (here’s my favorite)

  • Snuggle with your pet, spouse or child

  • Talk with your spouse

As you lay down to sleep

  • Put on a white noise machine or other soothing sound

  • Deep breathing exercise

    • Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, breathe out for 7

    • Try to take 5 deep breaths

  • Imagine a peaceful or restful place in your mind


Here is an example of what a bedtime routine could look like:


Bedtime Routine (activities I do every night):

1.     Warm chamomile tea

2.     Diffuse Lavender + Vetiver

3.     Turn off electronics when I put kids to bed

4.     Brush Teeth & Wash My Face

5.     Write in journal

 Other Activities (activities that don’t happen each night, but still happen regularly):

1.     Warm bath

2.     Intimacy with my spouse

3.     Walk the dog outside

4.     Deep breathing (If I have trouble falling asleep)

Remember- the routine you create is only focused on those things that settle you down and relax you. So, only include those things that are intentionally to relax you and help you get to sleep better.

 For additional support, I put together a worksheet to help you create your own bedtime routine and track it for a week.

Click here to download my Mama, Be Sleepy: Creating Your Ideal Bedtime Routine worksheet.



Now that you have your plan, set a time you will start your routine each night and set a date when you’ll start your bedtime routine. It doesn’t need to be a perfect routine and if you wait until circumstances are ideal to get this started, you’ll likely never do it. Just pick a few activities to integrate into your evening and that is your bedtime routine.

Why not start tonight?

With love,


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Jessica Larson